78-CRIME is a community program designed to bring law enforcement, the news media and citizens together to combat crime and make our community a safer place to live.
If you are reporting a crime:
- STEP 1: Call
If you have information concerning a crime call 78-CRIME (928) 782-7463- Your call is NOT recorded.
- Your call is NOT traced.
- We want your information… NOT your name.
- STEP 2: Arrest
If your information leads to the arrest of the suspect… - STEP 3: Cash
…you could receive a cash reward of up to $1000!
How Do You Get Rewards?
When you call 78-CRIME, you are given a confidential code number for the information you provide. If your information helps get a suspect arrested and charged, you must use the same code number to collect a cash reward.
Call Back to Check the Progress of the Case
To claim a reward, you call back and check the progress of the case. We tell callers to check back about 3-4 weeks after the first call, unless they know of an actual arrest.
Call (928) 373-4732 on Monday-Thursday from 6 AM – 4 PM to check the case status and confirm reward eligibility.
Don’t forget the code you were given when you originally called 78-CRIME.
Help Support 78-CRIME (782-7463)
78-CRIME, Inc. is a non-profit corporation administered by a Board of Directors made up of citizens like you. Tax dollars are not used for rewards. Your contribution will help keep this successful program alive. And, of course, your gift is tax deductible. Thank you!