Arizona Governor Doug Ducey has appointed San Luis Police Chief Richard Jessup to the Commission to Prevent Violence Against Women. This appointment is given as recognition to outstanding citizens by naming them to positions of leadership within our Arizona state government. The appointment was finalized in February of this year and Chief Jessup has finalized his nomination by signing the Loyalty Oath. Chief Jessup was also requested to serve on the Governor’s Human Trafficking Taskforce, which he has accepted as well. Chief Jessup, who has been the Chief of Police for the past four years, is a big proponent of sharing information and growth of local law enforcement agencies. During his tenure, he has also been appointed as the Select Council of Progressive Enforcement (S.C.O.P.E.) President in Yuma County, the executive board First (1st) Vice President for the Arizona Associations of Chiefs of Police, and serves as a board member for Amberley’s Place, our local Yuma County domestic violence, child abuse and sexual assault advocacy center.