Ernesto Prieto

Alejandro Ramirez

Joel Sauceda

Emmanuel Botello

Damian Miller

Alan Guevara
Ernesto Prieto
Sergeant Ernesto Prieto became a Police Officer for the San Luis Police Department after graduating from the Northern Arizona Regional Training Academy in 1999. He is currently assigned to the Patrol Division and supervises a patrol unit.
Sergeant Prieto’s previous assignments include the following: Police Officer assigned to the Community Oriented Policing Services Unit, Neighborhood Watch Coordinator, School Resource Officer for the San Luis Middle School, Bike Patrol Officer, Co-Advisor of the Police Explorer Program, Coordinator for the San Luis Police Athletic League Boxing Program (traveling team), Detective, Defensive Tactics Instructor, Physical Fitness Instructor, Defensive Driving Instructor, Hostage Negotiator trained by PATC and The FBI. Sergeant Prieto is a trained forensic investigation interviewer for crimes against children.
Alejandro Ramirez
Sergeant Ramirez graduated from the Southern Arizona Law Enforcement Training Center (SALETC) in Tucson, Arizona, and has served the community as a Police Officer for the City of San Luis Police Department since 2005. Sergeant Ramirez graduated from the Northern Arizona University and holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Criminal Justice.
Sergeant Ramirez has been assigned to different assignments during his tenure, and has been awarded the San Luis Police Department Officer of the Year, San Luis Police Department Supervisor of the Year, Exceptional Meritorious Service Award granted by the Mayor of the City of San Luis, Sunrise Optimist Respect for Law Enforcement Award, and MADD Awards.
Joel Sauceda
Sergeant Sauceda began his career in Law Enforcement in 1997 here with the City of San Luis Police Department. He then worked for our neighbor police departments of Cocopah Nation Police Department and the Somerton Police Department, then returning to this agency in 2003.
Sergeant Sauceda’s previous assignments have included being assigned as a Detective and a Field Training Officer. Sergeant Sauceda is a General Instructor and served as the Field Training Coordinator, the Reserve Officer Program Coordinator, and was the Citizens Academy Coordinator. Sergeant Sauceda is a graduate of the Arizona Western Collage Law Enforcement Training Academy (LETA).
Emmanuel Botello
Lieutenant Botello joined the San Luis Police Department in March of 2009. Sergeant Botello’s previous assignments include Explorer Program Coordinator, Bike Patrol, Traffic Enforcement Unit, Detective assigned to the Arizona State Gang Unit, Field Training Officer and Police Corporal.
Lieutenant Botello is currently a Physical Fitness Instructor, lead Tactical Driving Instructor, lead High Risk Stops Instructor and Field Training Program Coordinator. Lieutenant Botello graduated from the Northern Arizona University, and holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Criminal Justice. Sergeant Botello graduated the Arizona Law Enforcement Academy in South Mountain, Phoenix, in 2008.
Damian Miller
Lieutenant Miller started with the San Luis Police Department in February 2005. Lieutenant Miller’s previous assignments have included being assigned as a K9 Sergeant to the Patrol Division, Patrol Sergeant, Patrol Corporal, and Volunteer Program Coordinator.
Lieutenant Miller is a General Instructor, Physical Fitness Instructor, Defensive Tactics Instructor, High Risk Stops Instructor and ICS Instructor. Lieutenant D. Miller is a graduate of the United States Border Patrol Canine Academy in El Paso, Texas (CCEP), the Arizona Department of Corrections Service Dog Academy, and Glendale Community College Law Enforcement Training Academy (LETA).
Lieutenant Miller is currently assigned to Administration Division of the San Luis Police Department.
Alan Guevara
Lieutenant Guevara began his career as a Communications Officer in 2004. After graduating from the AWC Law Enforcement Training Academy in 2011, he was appointed as a Police Officer for the San Luis Police Department.
Lieutenant Guevara’s previous assignments include being assigned as a supervisor for the Crime Suppression Unit (CSU) as well as a supervisor assigned to a patrol squad. Lieutenant Guevara is a certified AZ POST General Instructor, and was certified as an Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) and Tactical EMT. Lieutenant Guevara has also served as a Field Training Officer, Bike Patrol Officer, and was a member of the Special Enforcement Unit (SEU). He has previously served as a Volunteer Program Coordinator, Reserve Program Liaison, and Citizens Academy Liaison.
Patrol Operations provide the majority of police interaction with the public. This division is comprised of the men and women who daily serve the public by patrolling the City of San Luis streets and responding to calls for service.The San Luis Police Department Patrol Division is made of four patrol squads. Each patrol squad has a sergeant assigned to them along with several patrol officers. The patrol division is the backbone of the police department which is responsible for patrolling 33 square miles of city limits. Officers also patrol the outskirts of the city and assist other police departments on a daily basis. The duties of the patrol division is to ensure public safety and to respond to calls for service.