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Governor’s Office of Highway Safety awards $51,000 TO SLPD

San Luis, AZ – The Arizona Governor’s Office of Highway Safety awarded the San Luis Police Department (SLPD) a $51,000 grant for 2014. This grant will allow the department to purchase a Police Package SUV to enhance DUI alcohol enforcement as well as equipment to enhance our Bicycle Safety and Education Program.

The SLPD obtained funds totaling $47,000 to support the purchase of one (1) fully marked DUI Alcohol Enforcement Police Package SUV to enhance our DUI Alcohol Enforcement effort throughout the City of San Luis.

In addition, the SLPD also obtained funds in the amount of $4,000 to support personnel services (overtime) and materials/supplies: four-hundred (400) bicycle helmets to enhance our Bicycle Safety Education Program throughout the City of San Luis.

The SLPD’s mission statement states “to work in partnership with our community to enforce the law,” the SLPD has partnered up with Governor’s Office of Highway Safety to accomplish these grant objectives of reducing serious injuries and death by arresting drivers under the influence (DUI) and enforce traffic laws during holidays and high-peak visitor holidays/events.

The funding will allow the SLPD to increase our enforcement efforts to help us reduce impaired driving within our jurisdiction. It will also provide the department the tools necessary to provide awareness in child safety restraints and bicycle safety.

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