The City Council approved with a 7-0 vote, the purchase of the Public Safety Answering Point for the Communications Division of the City of San Luis Police Department during yesterday’s council meeting.
The 9-1-1 System will be a great advantage to the service the City of San Luis Public Safety Departments such as the San Luis Police Department and San Luis Fire Department offers its community. Currently, any 9-1-1 calls originating within San Luis City limits are generally answered by Somerton Police Department. Once Somerton PD determines the caller needs, the caller is placed on hold. Somerton PD then calls our dispatch center with a short synopsis of the emergency and transfers the 9-1-1 call. Valuable time and crucial information is occasionally lost during the transfer of the emergency call to our agency.
The benefit of the City of San Luis having its own Public Safety Answering Point is that the SLPD dispatchers will be able to obtain the crucial 9-1-1 information immediately through the direct contact with the caller and be able to trace the call for better assistance.
The City of San Luis Police Department would like to thank the Somerton Police Department for their assistance during these past years. The City of San Luis PD would also like to thank everyone who contributed to make this possible. With the help of San Luis Fire Chief Hank Green, San Luis Municipal Court Honorable Judge Rosendo Morales, San Luis City Council and city staff, the City of San Luis Police Department will count with the adequate equipment to offer clear communication, immediate response and provide a better service to its residents.