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3rd Annual Joe Orduño & Fernando Padilla Memorial Run

We would like to invite you to the 3rd Annual Joe Orduño & Fernando Padilla Memorial Run to be taking place on April 18, 2015.  Please make an effort to join us and to show that our community supports educational and fitness programs.  All proceeds will benefit the Arizona Special Olympics Law Enforcement Torch Run.


Date: Saturday, April 18, 2015

Mail-in Registration:
San Luis Police Department
P.O Box 3720 / 1030 E Union Street From
Attention: Officer Luis Marquez

Check in time on day of event:
6:30 AM to 7:30 AM

5K Run begins at 8:00 am
1-Mile Fun Run/Walk begins at 8:15 am

Special Olympics Torch Run/San Luis

** All Proceeds Collected will go towards: Special Olympics AZ Law Enforcement Torch Run

Fernando Padilla Community Center
800 E Juan Sanchez Blvd
San Luis, AZ. 85349

FINISH LINE: Joe Orduno Park


►Registration Packets can be picked up at the San Luis Police Department 24/7. Or the City of San Luis Utilities Department from 0700AM to 6:00PM Registration Packets can also be pick up on day of race from 6:30 AM to 7:30 A.M

► For further information please contact Officer Luis Marquez at 928-341-2420.

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