Home Safety
- List only your initials and last name on your mailbox or in telephone books
- Install effective locks on all doors and windows and be sure to use them
- Never leave your door unlocked, even for a moment
- Never open your door to strangers
- Always have your key ready so you can enter your home without delay
- Utilize outdoor lighting to make your home visible
- Never leave a key to your home under a door mat or in an outside hidden key container
- Get to know your neighbors and other residents
Vehicle Safety
- Park in well-lighted areas
- Look around your car as you approach it and if a person gets near your vehicle causing concern, walk away
- Have your car keys in your hand and check under your vehicle and the back seat area before entering your car
- Lock your door immediately after entering the car
- Put any valuables in the trunk
- Never leave the title or registration in the car
- Keep your car keys and house keys on separate rings
- When dealing with kids and car seats, it is better to put them in the seat, then get in yourself, lock the doors, and then finish buckling the kids up
- When driving alone at night, let a family member or friend know the route you take and your expected arrival time at your destination
- If you are in a minor accident, or someone bumps your car from the rear, do not get out, especially in remote areas or at night.
Child Safety
- Know where your children are at all times and who they are with
- Never leave a child unattended in a public place
- If your child tends to avoid a certain adult, find out why
- Talk to your children about internet and mobile phone usage and explain what not to do
- Explain to your child to never give out personal information about where they live, go to school, where they play, etc
- Know the area in which you live
- Teach your child about bullying and cyber bullying and who to report it to if it does occur
Fraud and Identity Theft
- Be mindful when receiving calls from telemarketers or someone you don’t know
- Never give your financial information to an unknown source
- Delete spam emails and ignore phone calls of individuals requesting money
- If you receive a phone call or email from an individual who claims they have a family member hostage, do not provide them with any information. Contact the police immediately.
- Keep all important personal documents in a safe location
- Leave your social security card at home in a secure location such as a safe
Safety While Walking
- Walk with someone else, whenever possible
- Walk only in well-lit areas and avoid short cuts through poorly lit or deserted areas
- If you think you are being followed, change direction and head for a well-lit area with other people around
- Don’t hitchhike or accept rides from strangers
- If a driver stops to ask directions, avoid getting near the car
Safety at Work
- Lock your office whenever you leave, even if you are are only gone a minute
- Keep small valuables (wallets and purses) out of sight in a closed and locked desk or file cabinet
- Do not bring excessive amount of cash to work
- Be alert to strangers in your office building
- If you have to work late at night, avoid working alone
- When vendors come to the office to pick up equipment for return or repairs, ask to see ID or proof of their affiliation with the company
Cyber Safety
- Protect yourself from Malware, Spyware, and Viruses, complete software updates regularly and avoid visiting malicious websites
- Use antivirus software to detect Malware, Spyware, Viruses, and other malicious software
- Create passwords that are secure using upper and lower case letters, numbers and symbols
- Do not provide personal or financial information to unsecure websites
Safety on a Date
- Always trust your instinct
- Have an idea of where you are going and be suspicious of sudden changes to the plan
- Keep spare money, calling cards, or a cell phone handy for immediate access
- Stay sober
- Don’t accept drinks from other people
- Open containers yourself
- Never leave your drink unattended
- Don’t share drinks
- Always tell a good friend where you are going and who you are meeting
- Always make your own travel arrangements to/from a first date
In the Event of a Robbery
- If they ask for your money, give it to them
- Remain calm and don’t show fear
- Control your temper for the moment and remind yourself that you can’t be replaced
- This could be an event that your will remember for the rest of your life; however, everything that you remember about the person can help the police in their investigation
- Immediately call the police after the robbery