Campesinos Sin Fronteras informed the San Luis Police Department of a program called ALIVIO, from the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Through ALIVIO, agricultural and poultry workers may qualify to receive $600 in grant assistance. Campesinos Sin Fronteras and approved agencies are the only ones authorized to assist with the completion of the application, and not other individuals. Do not be a victim of fraud and pay anyone to complete or process the ALIVIO grant application.

Campesinos Sin Fronteras informo al Departmento de Policia en San Luis Arizona de el programa ALIVIO. ALIVIO es un programa de ayuda monetaria a campenisinos y empacadores de carne, con fundos del U.S. Department of Agriculture. La veca es de $600.00 para personas que califiquen.  Campesinos Sin Fronteras y otras organizaciones authorizadas son las uniquas que pueden legal mente ayudar a completar la solicitud, sin costo alguno. No sea victima de fraude y pagen por este servicio que es gratuito.


Press Release by Lt. Marco Santana, SLPD Public Information Officer.


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