San Luis PD to Conduct DUI Saturation Patrols during Holidays

The San Luis Police Department will begin to conduct DUI enforcement patrols during this Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve holidays.

The DUI saturation patrols will be on December 24th and another one will take place on December 31st. Officers will be looking for drivers who are under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol. SLPD will have zero tolerance on those who are found to be operating a vehicle while being impaired.

The funding to provide additional officers during this holiday season comes from grants received this year from the Arizona Governor’s Office of Highway Safety. The total amount awarded this year was $5,000 for DUI enforcement.

During 2013, the SLPD arrested a total of 99 drivers that were under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

The SLPD reminds everyone to drive safely this holiday season and that if you drink, to please find a designated driver.

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